West County Paramedics provides Advanced Life Support (ALS) and Basic Life Support (BLS) services along with routine medical transport. Its board of directors is made up of one representative from each of the following municipalities: Girard Borough, Lake City Borough, Platea Borough, Girard Township, Springfield Township and Fairview Township. The office is located at 6852 Meadville Rd along with the primary headquarters for the operations. We also have a satellite base located at Fairview Station 53, 7040 West Lake Rd.
West County Paramedic Association is the first and oldest operating Advanced Life Support Service in Erie County. Incorporated in 1979 as a single staffed volunteer ALS unit, today we currently operate 2, ALS Licensed ambulances, 3 BLS licensed ambulance, and 2 ALS response vehicles. We operate under the Pennsylvania State Regional Medical Protocols adopted by the Department of Health through the regional EMS Council known as EMMCO West, located in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Our Medical Director is Dr. Joseph Radachy from UPMC Hamot.
The Board of Directors meet at West County Paramedic Association on the fourth Monday of each month at 3:30PM.